Does your horse:
Have performance problems? Lug in or out? Get "behind" or "over" the bit?
Balk, refuse to turn or back, display reluctance in collecting?
Eat with little enthusiasm, have trouble maintaining weight, have a dull coat?
Have repeated bouts with colic?
Dribble grain from its mouth, quid, or dunk hay and grain in water?
Have foul breath, nasal discharge, or bleeding from the mouth?
Have eccentric eating behaviors?
Show reluctance to the bit? Is he/she head-shy?
Fail to gain weight despite increases in grain?
Froth or salivate excessively?
Any of these symptoms could mean your horse's mouth has a problem. Contact your vet or an Equine Dental Technician, and have him take a look in your horse's mouth to diagnose the problem.

Examples of dentistry procedures:
Performance floats
Basic floats
Full mouth balancing
Bit seats
Wolf teeth and cap removal
Canine teeth reduction
Wave and hook correction
Incisor reduction/realignment
Bit seats