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The sacroiliac joint is a location where the horses back and pelvis meet. It transfers the action of his hind legs to his back, translating the push into forward motion. The sacroiliac joints are stabilized by strong ligaments that join the iliac bones to the sacrum and to the backbone. The main cause of sacroiliac injuries are horses having a serious, traumatic event such as slipping or falling that causes pelvic rotation and damage to the ligaments and/or the joints.
Sacroiliac issues can appear at any age in horses, and it is often a result of injury plus wear. Due to this stress the joint can become inflamed, even become immobilized or unstable and therefore cannot function properly anymore. Unfortunately, SI problems are hard to spot. The joint has almost no range of motion and is buried under layers of muscle and fat, so you cannot really see or feel it.
Common Signs:
Back stiffness
Reduced movement
Tends to throw his rider upward and forward
Reluctant to work on the bit
Refuses jumps
Bucks and kicks out
Treatment should be customized to the individual case. Medication, reduced exercise, physical therapy, and alternative therapies may all play a role in a treatment program. Your vet may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain and swelling.
If you want to go on a holistic route here are some options:
Acupuncture for pain management
Chiropractic techniques
Massage to hep relax the muscles
Shockwave therapy
Benefab Rejuvenate SmartScrim
Benefab® products help tremendously in treating muscle stiffness and joint soreness, but also help to prevent soreness, which is the Rejuvenate SmartScrim. It features 90 magnets (1100 gauss) over key acupuncture points for stimulation of those areas. In ancient (and current) Chinese medicine, acupuncture is performed by using one’s own blood to re-inject over targeted acupuncture points. The reasoning for this method is because the body takes quite some time to re-absorb its own blood after being placed in targeted areas. Therefore, prolonging the benefits. We have selected these magnets to serve to the affect by pulling the blood to those targeted areas which will continually stimulate those areas during and after the SmartScrim is worn. Each magnet is enclosed in a soft cushion for enhanced comfort. Sheet harmonizes bodily functions safely and naturally, stimulating recovery time, promoting blood circulation, increasing oxygen flow, and ultimately reducing pain and stiffness.